SCT Mobile provide their clients with Microsoft Office 365

Over the past 30 years SCT Mobile have made it their priority to maintain and build close relationships with all major mobile technology and network providers. Such relationships allows them to keep a close eye on the latest news within the technological world and how they may benefit their own clients in and around London, Surrey, Sussex, Kent and the Home Counties.
By working directly with organisations such as Microsoft Windows, this ultimately allows SCT Mobile to offer their clients up to date account management services on Microsoft Office 365.
They are also able to provide their clients with exclusive information on demos and news on latest products and services within the business communications industry.
Furthermore, in regards to Microsoft Office 365, they make sure that their own employees are kept up-to-date will all product development and support services. We are lucky enough to have our own in-house Microsoft accredited IT department and can help our clients directly.

SCT Mobile makes sure you have a personalized Microsoft Office 365 experience

At SCT Mobile we make that you have a personalised Microsoft Office 365 experience and that it is accessible to you whenever you need it. It can be used virtually anywhere, across your devices which permits your business to run smoothly as you have the freedom and flexibility to work from any location. This results to you being more productive and time efficient. Microsoft Office 365 provides you with access to applications and document in the cloud. All you have to do is sign in and your documents are stored on SkyDrive Pro. Microsoft Office 365 is currently available on your PC, Mac, Windows tablet and other selective devices.

Contact SCT Mobile for our Microsoft Office 365 service

For more information about our Microsoft Office 365 service you can visit our website and request a call back or quote. Alternatively, if you have any further enquiries about our other products and services then please give us a call on 01483 563999 and our customer service team will do their best to help you.